Learning from Reward-Free Offline Data:
A Case for Planning with
Latent Dynamics Models

1New York University, 2Genentech, 3Brown University, 4Meta FAIR
*Equal contribution, order determined by coin flip,


Overview of our analysis
Overview of our analysis. We test six methods for learning from offline reward-free trajectories on 23 different datasets across two top-down navigation environments. We evaluate for six generalization properties required to scale to large offline datasets of suboptimal trajectories. We find that planning with a latent dynamics model (PLDM) demonstrates the highest level of generalization. Right: Diagram of PLDM. Circles represent variables, rectangles—loss components, half-ovals—trained models.


A long-standing goal in AI is to build agents that can solve a variety of tasks across different environments, including previously unseen ones. Two dominant approaches tackle this challenge: (i) reinforcement learning (RL), which learns policies through trial and error, and (ii) optimal control, which plans actions using a learned or known dynamics model. However, their relative strengths and weaknesses remain underexplored in the setting where agents must learn from offline trajectories without reward annotations.

In this work, we systematically analyze the performance of different RL and control-based methods under datasets of varying quality. On the RL side, we consider goal-conditioned and zero-shot approaches. On the control side, we train a latent dynamics model using the Joint Embedding Predictive Architecture (JEPA) and use it for planning. We study how dataset properties—such as data diversity, trajectory quality, and environment variability—affect the performance of these approaches.

Our results show that model-free RL excels when abundant, high-quality data is available, while model-based planning excels in generalization to novel environment leayouts, in trajectory stitching, and data-efficiency. Notably, planning with a latent dynamics model emerges as a promising approach for zero-shot generalization from suboptimal data.


The task: reach a specified goal in top-down navigation

We present two top-down navigation environments. In both, the goal is to reach a specified goal state. The task is illustrated on the left. We test algorithms' ability to learn from data of varying quality. On the right is an example trajectory in the offline dataset.
Example trajectory 1
Example dataset trajectory 4

Example Trajectories from the Dataset ... (click to expand)

Main Results

Maze layout evaluation results
Left: We train offline goal-conditioned agents on trajectories collected in a subset of maze layouts (left) and evaluate on held-out layouts, observing trajectories shown on the right. Only PLDM solves the task. Right: Success rates of tested methods on held-out layouts, as a function of the number of training layouts. The rightmost plot shows success rates of models trained on data from five layouts, evaluating on held-out layouts ranging from similar to training layouts to out-of-distribution ones. We use map layout edit distance from the training layouts as a measure of distribution shift. PLDM demonstrates the best generalization performance. Results are averaged over 3 seeds, shaded area denotes standard deviation.

We thoroughly evaluated six methods for learning from reward-free offline trajectories. The table below summarizes their performance across several key challenges: (i) Transfer to new environments, (ii) Zero-shot transfer to a new task, (iii) Data-efficiency, (iv) Best-case performance when data is abundant and high-quality, (v) Ability to learn from random or suboptimal trajectories, and (vi) Ability to stitch suboptimal trajectories to solve long-horizon tasks.

Comparison table of different methods.
Table 1: Summary of each method's strengths and weaknesses in different data conditions and generalization requirements.
Main experiments on two rooms environment.
Testing the selected methods' performance under different dataset constraints. Values and shaded regions are means and standard deviations over 3 seeds, respectively.
Left: To test the importance of the dataset quality, we mix the random policy trajectories and better quality trajectories. As the amount of good quality data goes to 0, methods begin to fail, with PLDM and HILP being the most robust ones.
Center: We measure methods' performance when trained with different sequence lengths. We find that many goal-conditioned methods fail when train trajectories are short, which causes far-away goals to become out-of-distribution for the resulting policy.
Right: We measure methods' performance with datasets of varying sizes. We see that PLDM is the most sample efficient and manages to get almost 50% success rate even with a few thousand transitions.



  title={Learning from Reward-Free Offline Data: A Case for Planning with Latent Dynamics Models},
  author={Sobal, Vlad and Zhang, Wancong and Cho, Kynghyun and Balestriero, Randall and Rudner, Tim G. J. and LeCun, Yann},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2502.14819},